Practice Toolset


How to move premises successfully

The better you plan, the easier the move – top tips for running a super fit-out and relocation. By Zoe Mellor 

01 June 2022 / Zoe Mellor

Basis period reform – does it impact you?

A major change is coming which will impact the timing and way profits are taxed. What is basis period reform and how does it affect barristers? Nick Bonnello explains all... 

01 June 2022 / Nick Bonnello

Loneliness and the Bar

A barrister’s working style can create prime field conditions for the fog of loneliness to descend, so Tim Akers looks at how we can better support one other 

01 June 2022 / Tim Akers

Leaders in waiting: part 1 – goal setting

It’s rare for junior barristers to formulate much of a career strategy beyond ‘getting tenancy’. In part one of a new series on career progression, Nikki Alderson shares some advice on setting goals – and purposefully reaching them

01 June 2022 / Nikki Alderson

Bullied in court? What chambers can do about it

This article is not designed to offend the Judiciary but the ‘quiet word’ has only taken us so far – it is time concerns were recorded formally, says the first set to introduce an external bullying policy 

By Eleanor Laws QC, Oliver Mosley and Kyan Pucks 


A plan of action for the Young Bar

Following the launch of the Life at the Young Bar  report and a nationwide listening exercise, Michael Polak and Michael Harwood outline the Young Barristers’ Committee’s raft of initiatives designed to address your issues of concern 

12 May 2022 / Michael Polak / Michael Harwood

Valuing the business: tips and traps

Where to look for buried bones? From the world of forensic accountancy, a checklist for barristers on valuing a business asset 

By Michael George and Andrew Donaldson 


DNA: past, present and future

While the fact  of a match can rarely be questioned, the new battleground is over how  and when  DNA got deposited at a crime scene. David Bentley QC and Dr Georgina Meakin analyse the fast-developing role of DNA in criminal prosecutions and challenges therein


Barrister burnout – and ways to beat it

Barristers are particularly at risk of burnout because of the nature of our work and our approach to it – but it doesn’t have to be this way. Jade Bucklow explores how culture, work and lifestyle changes can rejuvinate our mental health...

10 May 2022 / Jade Bucklow

Build your practice as a junior tenant

Emily Mitchell and Kitty Geddes share their top tips to help fledgling junior tenants navigate the exhilarating – and exhausting – early years of practice

10 May 2022 / Emily Mitchell / Kitty Geddes
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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