Practice Toolset


21st century chambers management

Is the chambers model fit for the 21st century? Robin Jackson reviews  The Independent Bar, a book offering a best practice blueprint for how a set of chambers works – or should work – in today’s competitive legal world  

06 May 2018 / Robin Jackson

2018 Paris-London Bar Exchange

Dites donc, allez Paris! write Jim Duffy and Pauline Tubiana as applications open for this year’s junior Bar exchange 


AGFS 2018 & a broken system

Kerim Fuad QC briefs readers on the background to action at what many see as the tipping point in discussions about a broken criminal justice system  

30 April 2018 / Kerim Fuad KC

Going against the grain (2)

A clinic providing specialist pro bono legal advice on immigration law opened its doors in January 2018. Samantha Knights QC, one of the working group behind the University of Exeter’s latest community law clinic, explains how it came about  

30 April 2018 / Samantha Knights

Pro Bono Watch

Jess Campbell explains how pro bono can help pupils find their feet; introduces the first set of Pro Bono Patrons; and celebrates the chambers already signed up to raise vital funds in this year’s London Legal Walk  

30 April 2018 / Jess Campbell

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (2)

Part 2 of HHJ Emma Nott’s analysis turns to the top 500 criminal legal aid fee earners. How do the earnings of female advocates compare to their male counterparts? 

23 April 2018 / HHJ Emma Nott

Who governs the Internet?

Subjecting tech colossi to the rule of law while defending expressive freedoms online is a formidable task legislators have barely begun – but post-Cambridge Analytica change is in the air, writes David Anderson QC  

20 April 2018 / David Anderson KC

Inquisitorialism: a search for truth?

The Secret Barrister wears a black cape, fights crime and shares with  Counsel an extract from their much-anticipated book on the criminal justice system:  Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken 

22 March 2018 / The Secret Barrister

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (1)

Are female juniors being given fair access to the most serious, complex (and lucrative) cases? A Supreme Court same-sex litigation team study and published data suggest not, finds HHJ Emma Nott  

20 March 2018 / HHJ Emma Nott
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The only way is ethics

Stephen Kenny QC addresses the legal and ethical considerations when offering student placements and Melanie Mylvaganam asks whether you’re travelling ethically: tips on keeping your clients’ data secure  

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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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