Book review: Court Number One: The Old Bailey Trials that Defined Modern Britain

  • Court Number One: The Old Bailey Trials that Defined Modern Britain 
  • By Thomas Grant QC 
  • Publisher: John Murray (May 2019) 
  • ISBN: 9781473651616 

20 November 2019 / John Jolliffe

Secret E-Diary

Is politics now completely divorced from reality?

20 November 2019

Obituary: Ian Macdonald QC

Ian McDonald QC: an incredibly kind, generous and straight talking man, whose "sense of fairness was contagious" (1939-2019) 

20 November 2019
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Theatre review: [BLANK] by Alice Birch

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Clean Break  

Running until 30 November 2019 at the Donmar Theatre 

18 November 2019 / David Wurtzel
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Campus rape: breach of care

As reports of rape assaults on campus soar, Georgina Calvert-Lee and Charlotte Proudman raise awareness of the public duty of care in this developing area of law. Interview by Alice de Coverley 

21 October 2019 / Alice de Coverley

Anti-slavery hero: Parosha Chandran

The indomitable human rights barrister – who has shaped the law on modern slavery and trafficking – on pivotal moments, landmark law and light during dark days 

21 October 2019 / Araniya Kogulathas

Doing right: Joanne Cecil

In the first in Counsel’s series of interviews delving into the lives of legal aid lawyers we meet the LALY Barrister of the Year 2019, tenacious campaigner and trailblazer for juvenile justice 

21 October 2019 / Adam Smith-Roberts

How BHRC was founded

The call for volunteers for a human rights task force was answered by a plucky young barrister and the Malawi missions established a firm foothold for the Bar’s long human rights reach 

21 October 2019 / Paul Harris SC

Spot, report, stop: AI tackles age-old problem

Your guide to Spot – the online tool which allows barristers to record and, if they want, report inappropriate behaviour, bullying, harassment and discrimination at the Bar and Bench 

21 October 2019 / Sam Mercer
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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