International trial observation

In states where the rule of law is fragile, the presence of an international trial observer can make the difference: a recent experience at the ‘12 Apostles’ trial in Colombia 

22 August 2019 / Sue Willman

Baptism by fire

A newly qualified adventure in the Supreme Court is followed by a more literal experience 

22 August 2019 / Ahmad Badar

Play (your cards) wright

Advocates, it is good to do your own thing if you can find the time. One barrister’s hobbies and other diversions 

22 August 2019 / Nigel Pascoe KC

Barrister's best: Kate Smith

Best books, top tracks, iconic inspirations, escape essentials? Barrister-turned-novelist Kate Smith shares her cultural life and times with Counsel  

22 August 2019

Secret E-Diary

Another law and order crackdown 

22 August 2019

Wise counsel: Lady Black

Running from the Bar (and back again), the dynamics between bench and counsel, and why family law is no poor relation. Sagacious yet self-effacing, the second-ever female Supreme Court judge agrees to a rare interview 

23 July 2019 / Anthony Inglese CB

Passing the Brief: Martha Cover interviews Marcia Willis Stewart QC

Martha Cover interviews the celebrated civil rights lawyer Marcia Willis Stewart QC whose egalitarian spirit pervades all her cases 

23 July 2019 / Martha Cover


Lawyers hiding their light under a bushel? Yes, you heard it here first. Advocate persuaded a group of committed pro bono barristers to celebrate their #IDoProBono work during Volunteers’ Week 

22 July 2019 / Mary Dobson

Us too? IBA sounds global clarion call

Take the ‘ten steps’ to safeguard our people and our profession, as IBA warns of hypocrisy after survey confirms high rate of harassment and bullying in law 

19 July 2019 / Esther Gamble

How to be a barrister and parent… and succeed at both

The working parent challenge is an issue affecting both men and women at the Bar. Ditch the ‘having it all’ myth, define your own version of success and learn how to live with compromise 

19 July 2019 / Nikki Alderson
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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