Justice Matters


OPINION Brexit: we live in interesting times

The best of times, the worst of times, writes David Langwallner    

05 December 2019 / David Langwallner

Diversity: how to demonstrate it

Silk application back to basics: how to understand, demonstrate and derive joy from the diversity competence

24 November 2019 / Sarabjit Singh
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Campus rape: breach of care

As reports of rape assaults on campus soar, Georgina Calvert-Lee and Charlotte Proudman raise awareness of the public duty of care in this developing area of law. Interview by Alice de Coverley 

21 October 2019 / Alice de Coverley

Ten years on: how has the Supreme Court fared?

An assessment of the court’s performance in decision-making delivered over its first ten years; and what bearing, if any, the Article 50 and Prorogation cases have on the big picture 

21 October 2019 / Frederic Reynold KC

Ban child marriage: safeguard futures

Consent or coercion? Lawyers are collaborating on a proposed Bill as part of a wider campaign to criminalise marriage involving children aged under 18 

Shifting the narrative: why human rights matter

All members of the Bar can be part of a positive shift and feed the energy of those, across the world, who work to restore dignity, equality and freedom 

18 October 2019 / Schona Jolly KC

Abolishing private schools: social justice at the expense of human rights?

An examination of whether the policy endorsed by the Labour Party as part of its pledge to support social justice can be justified in law or is a flagrant contravention of human rights 

27 September 2019 / Jeremy Hyam KC

Litigating for clean air

Air quality: how bad is it and what is the law doing in response? 

23 September 2019 / Rose Grogan

What’s it to the EU? Assange’s extradition

Enhanced protection in law by means of a proposed EU directive might yet be Assange’s real legacy and contribution to freedom in reporting information 

23 September 2019 / Abigail Bright

PTSD and working in an underfunded sector

Is a legal aid lawyer’s work all stress and distress? And what can we do about it? 

23 September 2019 / Professor Jo Delahunty KC
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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