Practice Toolset


Chambers: more than a business, it’s family

A tribute to a special model: the difference it makes when you realise you work with a group of over 60 individuals who care about each other 

23 September 2019 / Cliff Alderson

How to tame your inner critic

We all have an inner critical voice, to a greater or lesser degree. So what is it, how can it affect us as practitioners and how do we become less vulnerable to its impact? 

23 September 2019 / Gillian Higgins

Accent bias

Do you ever wonder whether your accent is holding you back at the Bar? And making a difference in court? Observations from a barrister with an accent 

23 September 2019 / Allan Briddock

In the thick of it: Chris Henley QC

The Criminal Bar Association Chair reflects on a tide-turning year in office 

22 August 2019 / Aadhithya Anbahan

Change of ministry

After ministering to the Bar’s professional needs for well over a decade, Mark Hatcher is to devote himself to its spiritual and pastoral needs. Interview by Frances Gibb 

22 August 2019 / Frances Gibb

London to Dubai

Growing pains and adjustments yet switching from family barrister to solicitor in an international law firm has challenged and rewarded in equal measure 

22 August 2019 / Byron James

Disability at the Bar

Access to the Bar remains problematic for those with disabilities. How does your chambers measure up on accessible premises and fair recruitment? 

22 August 2019 / Faisel Sadiq

Pupillage advice: where to get it

For frank advice on how to secure that elusive pupillage, check out two recently launched tools for applicants 

22 August 2019 / Adam Smith-Roberts

The business of chambers and how to invest for success

How to compete? Members’ success can hinge on practice staff ‘getting it right’ and, preferably, being better than your competitors’ team. So soft skills training makes sound sense... 

22 August 2019 / Robin Jackson / Donald Turner
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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