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Ghana Law: Past, Present and Future

Andrew Otchie shares his experiences following a recent trip to Ghana and offers his reflections on its legal history and legal profession.  

In May 2012, the sudden and unforeseen passing away of my Father made it necessary for me to undertake a long overdue trip to Ghana, and experience its very different culture, traditions, and legal system. While many practising at the Bar of England & Wales may have had some experience in dealing with Ghanaians in this jurisdiction (a diaspora which has in many ways assimilated to British customs and routines), an experience of the way of life in West Africa can often come as something of a culture shock, even to those of African heritage. I found myself in the midst of the unfortunate, although all too common situation, of trying to administer the property of someone who had died without leaving a will, and the ensuing problems that can be further complicated by differing applications of common, and customary law. 

30 November 2012
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Wider World Web

InternetA New Media Forum, Wider World Web, was staged at the European Parliament’s Plenary Chamber in Brussels in June. The event was devised by Professor Peggy Valcke, research professor at Leuven University, and Siobhan Grey of Doughty Street Chambers.   

On 27th June 2012 The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, Leuven University (Belgium) and the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (Florence, Italy) came together to stage a New Media Forum, Wider World Web, at the European Parliament’s Plenary Chamber in Brussels. The forum focused on media diversity, with an emphasis on the digital media, and how Industries such as News, Books and Music were adapting to the changes led by the digital world. The event was an opportunity to start a fresh debate about policy initiatives in relation to the democratic public interest requirements of media pluralism while recognising the business needs of media enterprises. 

30 November 2012
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Do Not Be Afraid

TechnologyGraham Cunningham, a member of the Bar Council’s IT Panel, offers a guide to IT equipment for technophobes.   

From time to time one reaches a technological crossroads. We have reached one such crossroads at the present time. 

30 November 2012
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Surveying the Bar

Toby Tallon examines the findings of Smith & Williamson’s recent survey of barristers’ chambers  

Despite widespread challenges facing the Bar, a recent survey by Smith & Williamson also revealed positive attitudes and potential opportunities for many members of the profession over the next few years. Given that barristers’ chambers are facing a period of potentially significant change, it seemed an appropriate and interesting time to undertake a survey. We first started this initiative two years ago and in our conversations with barristers, senior clerks and practice managers it became clear there was a dearth of information on the profession. As a result we undertook to organise a survey to help inform the discussion. This article summarises our findings. 

30 November 2012 / Toby Tallon
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Missed Moments in Legal History

Author: Nick Chambers QC
ISBN: 9780955657689
Publisher: OblongCreative Ltd
Published: October 2012
Price: £19.95 Hardback

Alternative histories are usually gloomy affairs, the dystopic visions of writers in their garrets conjuring “what if” scenes of Nazis marching triumphantly up Whitehall, Czars enthroned in the White House or the lack of scientific progress under an all-powerful, unreformed Papacy. 

30 November 2012
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The Modern Bar: Accessible, Adaptable & Relevant

This year’s Bar Conference took place on 10th November.  Counsel editorial board members Toby Craig, Nichola Higgins, Chris McWatters and David Wurtzel report  

Reaching the Tip of the Pyramid
Toby Craig reviews Lady Justice Rafferty’s keynote speech and the Chairman’s annual address  

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single professional in possession of a good practice must be in want of a better one.” Alluding to Austen, so opened Lady Justice Rafferty’s hugely well received keynote address to the 27th Annual Bar Conference. 

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Ali Malek QC

Job title: Silk, 3 Verulam Buildings 

3 Verulam Buildings is a leading set of Chambers specialising in domestic and international commercial and business law, arbitration, banking, insolvency, fraud, professional negligence, energy, IT and insurance/reinsurance.  

You are widely regarded as an international commercial litigation heavyweight. To what do you credit your success?
I have always taken the view that my work is about achieving the best result for my client rather than fighting for the sake of it. I think clients appreciate that commercial approach. I also bring an international perspective – I think it helps I am half Iranian married to a Jamaican (of Lebanese origin). I have always been someone who travels a lot and international work really appeals to me. I am lucky to have a very understanding and supportive family who give me the freedom to travel as extensively as I do. I think I have benefitted from not focusing on a narrow area of commercial law and from sitting as an arbitrator as well as acting as an advocate. I have also been fortunate to work in a set that is forward thinking and dynamic. 

30 November 2012
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WestminsterWatch - December 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, Toby Craig and Charles Hale look back at the high (and low) lights for Counsel  

A year to remember
At the beginning of the year, 2012 seemed full of promise. A London Mayoral election, a Presidential race, the final stages of LASPO lobbying, the Coalition Government still finding its feet, the Diamond Jubilee and of course, the London Olympics. With so much to play for, would it, could it, ever live up to all the hype..? It’s rarely good form to answer a question with a question, but how could you ever have doubted it? This was a year to live long in the memory. The changes have been seismic, the glories have been historic and the lows may leave a legacy more lasting than the regeneration of East London. 

30 November 2012
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Secret E-Diary - November 2012

A joyous occasion is marred by a spectre at the feast  

October 8, 2012: “The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley” - Robert Burns  

I had hoped that my junior, Miss Henrietta Briar-Pitt would be working on the looming case of R. v. Jason Grimble, alleged co-murderer of Britain’s least popular former circuit judge, Claude Allerick, who was shortly to be tried at the Central Criminal Court by Claude’s successor from the judicial charisma by-pass section. Instead of which, I was ensconced in her equestrian pile, due to give her away to Mr Justice Pennington, batchelor knight, until, that is, recent dietary indiscretions caused a parting of her garments at an eve-of-wedding supper, prompting an apparent withdrawal from the nuptial event. 

31 October 2012
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A Year in the Saddle

Sam Blom-Cooper and Francesca Delany escaped the Bar for a year to cycle across Europe and Asia to Cambodia. Here they report back to  Counsel 

“Don’t be ridiculous!” – Not the exasperated plea of a Head of Chambers nor the disapproving words of a concerned Senior Clerk, when informed of our plans to cycle across the world for a year, but the words of a somewhat over-sized and sweaty border-guard, patrolling the Iran-Turkmenistan frontier that marks the gateway to more than 500km of Karakum Desert sands. Our friendly immigration official seemed equally bemused, however, by our declining his offer of 8am shots of vodka as he was by our choice to head out onto the lonely and already melting desert highway. By 9:30am the thermometer would be nudging 50°C. Sticky tarmac and absurd heat notwithstanding, at least Francesca was now freed of the uncomfortably hot, conservative attire that crossing Iran had entailed. 

31 October 2012
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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