
Firearms and fury: The rise of gun crime in the UK

The case of the antique firearms dealer who exploited legal loopholes reveals that gun control in the UK is not nearly as tight as we may think. By Rupert Jones  

01 June 2018 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones
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Interview with Nick Hardwick

David Wurtzel talks to former Chair of the Parole Board Nick Hardwick about his career, the Worboys case and events leading up to his resignation  

01 June 2018 / David Wurtzel

#CallitOut: Why are BME barristers more likely to be pursued by the BSB?

BME barristers are disproportionately represented throughout the complaints process and more likely to have complaints upheld. Desiree Artesi investigates  

25 May 2018 / Desiree Artesi

21st century chambers management

Is the chambers model fit for the 21st century? Robin Jackson reviews  The Independent Bar, a book offering a best practice blueprint for how a set of chambers works – or should work – in today’s competitive legal world  

06 May 2018 / Robin Jackson

Police must investigate: Worboy’s victims win human rights case

Victims of crime involving inhuman or degrading treatment can seek redress for police failings, explains Matthew Flinn, following the Supreme Court decision breaking new ground in UK human rights law 

30 April 2018 / Matthew Flinn

2018 Paris-London Bar Exchange

Dites donc, allez Paris! write Jim Duffy and Pauline Tubiana as applications open for this year’s junior Bar exchange 


WannaCry? A barrister’s guide to the cybercrime galaxy

Malware is on the rise and there’s a whole cybercrime industry – said to be worth $1bn globally – eager to hold your data to ransom. You could be struck at home, in transit or chambers and the legal sector reported a sharp jump in incidents last year. Sandip Patel QC briefs readers on the key dangers  

30 April 2018 / Sandip Patel KC
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Westminster Watch

Parliamentary awareness of the justice crisis is building but it’s hardly registering with voters. We need to explain in vivid terms why it matters to us all, says Mark Hatcher  

30 April 2018 / Mark Hatcher

Book review: Stories of the Law and How It’s Broken by The Secret Barrister

Publisher: Macmillan (March 2018)
Format: Hardcover (384pp); eBook; audio book
ISBN: 978-1509841103
RRP: £16.99

30 April 2018 / Mary Cowe

AGFS 2018 & a broken system

Kerim Fuad QC briefs readers on the background to action at what many see as the tipping point in discussions about a broken criminal justice system  

30 April 2018 / Kerim Fuad KC
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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