
Free will? Ilott v Mitson one year on

Has  Ilott v Mitson righted the wrongs of the past? One year on, Oliver Ingham assesses the impact of a headline-making decision  

30 April 2018 / Oliver Ingham

Barrister’s best…

Best books, favourite films, top tracks and an essential:  Counsel invites barristers to share their cultural influences. In this issue, we talk to criminal barrister Tony Wyatt, who also writes as Tony Kent  

30 April 2018

Going against the grain (2)

A clinic providing specialist pro bono legal advice on immigration law opened its doors in January 2018. Samantha Knights QC, one of the working group behind the University of Exeter’s latest community law clinic, explains how it came about  

30 April 2018 / Samantha Knights

Pro Bono Watch

Jess Campbell explains how pro bono can help pupils find their feet; introduces the first set of Pro Bono Patrons; and celebrates the chambers already signed up to raise vital funds in this year’s London Legal Walk  

30 April 2018 / Jess Campbell

Secret E-Diary

"I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages."
– Robert Bosch

30 April 2018

Spring 2018: a Brussels Brexit stock-take

Is the rocky road to Brexit obscured by London fog? Taking stock from Brussels, Evanna Fruithof joins calls for fewer speeches and more legal texts  

30 April 2018 / Evanna Fruithof
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Unintended consequences

It isn’t only big policy decisions that have unintended consequences; Rawdon Crozier explains how a well-intentioned and principled change in public policy killed the Lease Conference  

26 April 2018 / Rawdon Crozier

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (2)

Part 2 of HHJ Emma Nott’s analysis turns to the top 500 criminal legal aid fee earners. How do the earnings of female advocates compare to their male counterparts? 

23 April 2018 / HHJ Emma Nott

Regulating internet surveillance

RIPA is dead, long live the IPA? As the so-called Snooper’s Charter comes into force, Tom Hickman examines the two regimes, recent case law and checks and balances on the state’s new bulk digital surveillance powers  

23 April 2018 / Tom Hickman

‘Best interest’ cases

As publicity and concern grow over life support and best interest cases, Rosalind English provides an overview of the courts’ approach  

23 April 2018 / Rosalind English
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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