Law in the headlines: Justice for murdered Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi

The world was appalled to learn of the gruesome murder of prominent Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Here Rodney Dixon QC highlights the critical questions that remain 

28 November 2018 / Rodney Dixon KC
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Westminster Watch

Post-Justice Week, Mark Hatcher is cautiously optimistic: frank exchanges at the MoJ accounts evidence session suggest that Westminster is finally getting the message

28 November 2018 / Mark Hatcher
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Celebrating the Bar’s Black History: 2018

To mark Black History Month, Inner Temple showcased over 90 profiles of prominent Black and Asian members of the Inns from around the globe. Grace Brown reviews the inspiring exhibition

28 November 2018 / Grace Brown

Why do you use social media?

To demystify, express or promote? Counsel asks crusaders, social mobilisers and networkers about the power of social media 

28 November 2018

Gender recognition, self-ID and next steps

Julian Norman surveys the debate generated by the government consultation on gender self-identification, the impact on women’s sex-based rights and why legal clarity will be crucial 

28 November 2018 / Julian Norman

Big Brother Watch & Others v The UK

Enormous, complicated and (inevitably) misreported – the ECtHR judgment following the Snowden revelations warrants further scrutiny. By Oliver Sanders QC and Dominic Ruck Keene 

28 November 2018 / Oliver Sanders KC / Dominic Ruck Keene
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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