Justice Matters


Anti-vaxxers, vaccine hesitancy and winning back trust

Is failure to confront the root cause of vaccine hesitancy driving people towards anti-vax views? Natasha Isaac  examines how pervasive conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines have become  

22 January 2021 / Natasha Isaac

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (4)

HHJ Nott continues her ground-breaking series with an analysis of 2019/20 publicly funded criminal/civil instructions and newly released profession-wide data, as the Bar is called upon to ‘confront, not hide’ the shocking discrepancies in pay and access to work between male and female barristers 

04 January 2021 / HHJ Emma Nott

Access to the Bar for all: a blueprint

The award-winning Garden Court Chambers scheme wants to inspire the Bar to widen horizons and deliver long-term support to those who might never have considered a career in the law. Mia Hakl-Law  explains how

04 January 2021 / Mia Hakl-Law

Accent diversity at the Bar

A sociolinguist’s view on linguistic prestige, RP and accent-based prejudice at the Bar, and the case for expanding diversity in the courtroom. By Dr Rob Drummond 

24 December 2020 / Dr Rob Drummond

Does nature have rights?

The strange honour of being a barrister for the Earth prompts reflection on the nature of rights: should we move from an anthropocentric to an ecocentric approach? New paradigms post COVID-19 

By  Monica Feria-Tinta   

30 November 2020 / Monica Feria-Tinta

Fit your own mask first: living life at the criminal Bar

We defend fearlessly our clients’ best interests and fight for the underdog every day in court, but neglect to apply that same attitude to ourselves. What is needed to improve the lives of those who seek to stand up for justice and assure the future of the profession? 

By Siân Beaven  

30 November 2020 / Siân Beaven

No place for systemic racism

How systemic racism affects the Bar, an audit of the profession’s progress so far, and the structural, cultural and personal change required for meaningful action 

By  Amit Popat  

30 November 2020 / Amit Popat

Opinion: Promoting and protecting judicial independence

No jurisdiction can afford to be complacent, write Mark Guthrie  and Sailesh Mehta  – a global review of judicial appointments systems and politicians’ attitudes to judges, and a campaigning role for the Bar 

19 November 2020 / Mark Guthrie / Sailesh Mehta

Dear Prime Minister and Home Secretary

What lawyers do – a corrective and a manifesto. By  Dexter Dias QC 

18 November 2020 / Dexter Dias KC

Clinical negligence and COVID

Spring 2020 forced fundamental changes on our healthcare system. Helen Mulholland  examines the implications of COVID-19 for clinical negligence claims

06 November 2020 / Helen Mulholland
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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